The Shack Plan is Coming Together...
Hey Bengals,
Have you heard?
Last week the Town of Orangeville approved our application for financial assistance for the shack renovation, and we've also had some great sponsors and supporters come forward to help ensure that we can deliver on the shack revitalization plan...
On Monday March 21 our President - Jesse Edmunds, and VP of House League - Ryan Hancock were a delegation to Orangeville Town Council on behalf of the OHMBA. The Shack Revitalization Plan was presented in support of our application for financial assistance. For anyone wishing to view the meeting you can find a link to it
here . The presentation by the OHMBA to council can be found around the 1hr24min mark. For a summary of the meeting you can also check out
this great article from Tabitha Wells with the Orangeville Banner. Thank you to the Town of Orangeville for approving our grant application!
As announced before, part of the funding for the shack renovation will come from our partnership with the Rotary Club. We are also grateful to have the following sponsors & supporters that have come forward, with others waiting to confirm:
- Brackett Auto Group
- Absolute Insurance
- Orangeville Home Hardware
- Provincial Store Fixtures
- Mason Renovations
- Excalibur CAD Designs
We are also incredibly thankful to our General Contractor AJ Cappuccitti - AC Custom Reno - for their support from the very beginning. Check out
this amazing promotional video for the project that was put together by AJ and his team. Be sure to follow AC Custom Reno on Facebook and Instagram for updates as the project progresses.
We'll soon be posting a volunteer sign-up sheet on our webpage for anyone that may be interested in donating their time to help with the reno. For any local businesses interested in donating funds or materials and becoming a sponsor for the project, please check out the Shack Sponsor Form here.
We would also like to thank those individuals that have donated to our GoFundMe campaign. Every little bit helps! To donate to the GoFundMe please
check out this link.
Stay tuned for more updates!