Orangeville & Headwaters Minor Baseball Association Screening Policy
To support the implementation of the Baseball Ontario Volunteer Screening Policy, the Board approves the following procedures.
Risk Levels
Baseball Ontario has identified 3 levels of risk
Level 1 Low: Volunteers who are never alone with children or Vulnerable Individuals, and only interact on the field of play in the duty to the game
Level 2 Medium: Non-coach employees, managers or supervisors, Directors and Coaches or support personnel of non-travelling teams
Level 3 High: Coaches or support personnel (i.e. trainers or first aiders) who travel with athletes (travelling teams), Coaches or support personnel who could be alone with athletes, Chefs de mission accompanying teams to national championships
Below is more information on the risk levels and the requirements for each level.

Safe Sport Training Requirements
All individuals taking on a position(s) identified in the above Chart of this policy, must complete the NCCP on-line Safe Sport Module prior to volunteering in their first year. In addition, each individual must sign off through the registration process that they have read the Baseball Ontario’s Supervision (Rule of 2) Policy.
The Board may, on the advice of the Screening Committee, require additional safe sport training.
Record Keeping
All records relating to criminal record checks will be required to be stored on a Google Drive assigned to the email address [email protected]. At least two people are required to have the login information to this account, ideally two committee members, but in the event there is only one committee member, the Board will assign a second person to have this login information.
The original copy of an individual's VSC, CPIC or EPIC must be provided to the Screening Committee, however only a record that the individual's VSC, CPIC or EPIC has been checked will be kept on file, via a copy of a letter to the individual saved as per above. In no situation, will OHMBA retain a copy of an individual's VSC, CPIC or EPIC. The copy will be returned to the individual with a confirmation letter.
An individual’s Screening Disclosure Form or Screening Renewal Form will be kept by the Screening committee as per above; however will be discarded after a period of three years after receiving the form. Discipline records on any individual within OHMBA will be kept indefinitely