Springbrook Shack Revitalization Plan, News (Orangeville & Headwaters Minor Baseball)

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Mar 03, 2022 | jedmunds | 1017 views
Springbrook Shack Revitalization Plan
Hey Bengals,

While we continue to plan for the 2022 season ahead, we have also been working over the past few months to address the needs of our multi-purpose building for equipment storage, snack bar operations, and washroom facilities - The Springbrook Shack....

We have put together a comprehensive plan to complete a long overdue major renovation to "The Shack". For full details, you can check out the OHMBA Springbrook Shack Revitalization Plan here .

In order to complete this renovation it will require financial support from a multitude of resources, as we are looking to fund this build outside of league operations. All donations will go directly towards the shack renovation. We have approached the Town for financial assistance, as well as local businesses and clubs (Rotary, Optimists, Lions). We have multiple options available for sponsorship, and if any members of the Bengals community are willing to sponsor please reach out to our Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator Jaime Raymond ([email protected]).

We have also launched a GoFundMe page (here) for anyone willing to make a personal donation, and we are working on an application to be able to host AGCO sanctioned Raffles (through our provider RaffleBox) that will not only help us raise money for the renovations, but it will also give people the opportunity to win cash and prizes. Getting our AGCO license in place also means we can use this tool for future fundraising events as well. 

But wait, that's not it. As part of our plan we will be launching a 'Renaming Contest' for the shack. Stay tuned for more details on this contest, with a chance to win a Bengals Cornhole Set courtesy of Great Canadian Cornhole. 

The building currently known as "The Shack" is a vital part of our organization. It not only provides storage, snack bar, and washroom facilities, but it also provides an opportunity for local students to complete needed volunteer hours. Fulfilling our plan to revitalize the shack will not only ensure that this facility is operational for years to come, but it will also give the OHMBA a home, and a place to celebrate our achievements as an Association and community.

We hope you'll consider being a part of this exciting project!


OHMBA Executive
The Co-operators
A Better Place For You